Find thyself. Be thyself.

I have done it. You can do it, too.

I was in your shoes. As a driven young banker, I was climbing corporate ladders on the Wall Street. The high-paying, prestigious job didn't give me the happiness I was hoping for. I knew I didn’t want to stay where I was but I had no clue where I could go. Deeply confused, I had my first coach in fall 2015. She was a British woman who survived cancer. With her help, I discovered my passion for people empowerment. To continue such positive impact, I became a coach myself.

Everyone’s story is different. Career wayfinding is a creative and iterative process. Most people don’t get it right on their first try and that's okay. We just need to keep trying.

How it works

An end-to-end transformational experience

My coaching philosphy

Fulfilling careers stem from the alignment of oneself, their work and the world around them.

Career transition is usually accompanied with uncertainty, fear and other challenges like pay cut, demotion, and skill mismatch. This is particularly true for professionals in high-paying and well-recognized jobs. I will help you revisit your core values, crystalize career goals and unleash hidden energy.

There are fortunately many levers you can pull on the journey to more fulfilling careers. Visualizing success lets you be fully immersed in an environment where you want to be and therefore regain power and motivation. Creating access to information and network brings clarity and possibilities to you, which in turn enhance your motivation and creativity. Unlocking creativity in you helps you come up with unconventional solutions as everybody is unique and knows the best about their own situations.

I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you!

Schedule a free discovery session